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According to the number of developing foci, this pathology can be divided into monofocal (one lesion develops), multifocal (there are many foci) and diffuse (the pathology affects a large area, but clear foci are not visualized). Demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system are characterized by the development of all types of oxybutynin pills. Their diagnosis is difficult due to the blurring of the picture and the slow development of the dominant symptoms. The most common example of a demyelinating disease is multiple sclerosis.

This pathology is characterized by the formation of foci of demyelination throughout the entire thickness of the brain (multifocal lesion). The mechanism of development is myelinoclastia (in the pathogenesis lies the production of antibodies). Foci of demyelination in this disease develop gradually, and as they appear, neurological symptoms begin to buy oxybutynin online. The demyelinating process can also affect peripheral nerves.

Most often, the disease begins to progress when the peripheral nerves or their plexuses are pinched by intervertebral hernias or as a result of a decrease in the space between adjacent vertebrae. The trophism of the nerve is disturbed, small neurons responsible for the interaction of the nociceptive and antinociceptive systems (the systems of pain sensation and its suppression) die off. Demyelination of peripheral nerves may be reversible if there is no death of alpha neurons. Diagnosis of the disease is based on the data of instrumental studies. The most informative research method is magnetic resonance imaging, which allows you to recognize the presence of foci of sclerosis or demyelination in the brain tissue.

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In case of damage to the peripheral nerve trunks, the diagnosis is made on the basis of data from the study of nerve conduction and subsequent muscle contraction - electromyography. How can one slow down the process of demyelination of nerve fibers or promote their recovery? Currently, the most effective drugs for the treatment of myelin destruction processes are synthetic interferons. The most famous drugs of this group are betaferon, relief.

These drugs block the production of cytokines and active antibodies, thereby preventing damage to myelin. The greatest effectiveness of the remedy was seen in the treatment of diseases that occur with frequent exacerbations and remissions. Other agents for the pathogenetic treatment of these diseases are immunoglobulins. The mechanism of their action is based on the blocking of specific sites and receptors, due to buy ditropan online the molecular cascade is interrupted, which ensures the formation of antibodies to myelin cells. The best efficiency, the scheme of therapy with these drugs showed in the treatment of acute forms of diseases.

These funds are among the most modern methods of therapy, however, they are not yet available in most clinical centers. Because of this, the treatment of demyelinating processes is carried out with the help of glucocorticosteroids. SymptomaticThe most common treatment aimed at improving the patient's condition includes the use of nootropic drugs, neuroprotective agents, as well as antioxidant agents. With their help, it is possible to improve the metabolism in the nervous tissue, increase their resistance to damaging agents and slow down the processes of destruction.

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From instrumental methods of treatment, to slow down the processes of demyelination, methods of ditropan of blood plasma and cerebrospinal fluid by the method of immunofiltration can be used. The prognosis for most demyelinating diseases is relatively favorable. With well-chosen treatment, the processes of myelin destruction can be slowed down, thereby stabilizing the patient and prolonging his life. Was the page helpful? Share it on your favorite social network! In patients undergoing gastric surgery, if the function of the pylorus, which regulates gastric emptying, is impaired, dumping syndrome may develop. Insufficiency of the pylorus function regulating gastric emptying can occur for the following reasons.